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Untangling the Knots within our Hearts

As humans, we have come descended from a universal spirit of everything and nothingness. We are all essentially actors playing the roles we have been taught, developed and learned unconsciously. Hopefully, we can realize this and begin to consciously choose our roles, deciding which characters we play and what actions and thoughts they can inspire in others. All the world is a stage. Are we not all essentially made of the same universal star stuff? So is it not already hilarious that we believe these roles we play?

In pointing out these differences, laughter is a sign of the medicine that teaches this at some deeper level. What we must be aware of, and what makes the difference in almost all cases, is the amount of consciousness attended to the situation. Prejudices are created when these learned roles are taught at the subconscious level, when we are not even aware of the judgements we make of people and for what reason we are making them.

Eckhart Tolle points out that one's vibration, the energy that he or she radiates, is what actually makes a difference: it is at this level that spiritual healing and growth can occur. Our interactions with others can uplift us, or perhaps change our energies in a less than beneficial way if we are unaware and allow ourselves to be influenced by all that comes into our field.

It is such an interesting point. Impressions and impersonations of others can cause damage when the intention is of mocking and trying to reinforce roles that serve to separate us. They can be hurtful when our differences become an excuse for treating others according to their physical layers, their "food body" shape, including the size and form of their human avatar.

Let's use what in the past and present in so many places serves as poison, as a medicine. When we are at a point when our egos are not so painfully attached to these roles, when we have extracted the wisdom and most importantly gotten to the point where we can forget the story, then we can begin to heal.

When we can recognize the humor in the cosmic joke that we are different, we can heal.

What is worst is when these heart strings are pulled at in an attempt to release their bond, and they are still strongly attached. Rightfully so. This world has so many lessons to teach us still. So we must be sensitive to what our actions are doing to others. We often find humor when we realize that all truths are real, and some are not accepted in the stage that is called society. Sometimes we have to express these truths on other stages perceived to be "sub stages". The healing is a process of enlightenment, of shedding light on all things with a sense of compassion.

This is the work of a bodhisattva. Lessons can sometimes backfire when light reveals what was before covered in dark and is suddenly, harshly exposed with a blinding beam of unforgiving rays. Some matters need to be gently guided out from under their dark corners, or else they retreat frantically. This can dramatically increase their power, this is how such poisons as racism and prejudice grow. We need to compassionately expose them, to spread light on all of the roots they lay in our hearts, where they grow power as humans living them out to be true.

To remove these twisted ties that wrap and grip all of our hearts, some denser and tighter than others, we cannot just pull. Each heart must be freed gently. Like a knot of multiple ropes and chains, if someone just pulls harshly at whatever loose ends are exposed, the knot tightens. It wraps harder around the soft flesh, often the chains pulling at these places that are already raw and bruised from constant tug and shift and rubbing against the soft and fresh blood of our life giving ventricles.

But the options for beauty and healing are far more clear and exciting than the options for further pain and hurt. The exciting part is that because these ends have become exposed, it means they are actually ready to be healed. They just have to be untangled by someone who cares to do so. The healer must recognize the chain or exposed strand to be what it is. It works best often when another comes along and immediately recognizes these straps of bondage to be the same as his or her own. That chain! Those painful roots! I too was born with these stories weaving through my own heart, wrapping around my body even, pulling and ripping and rubbing in the most painful way whenever I tried to move forward. In some cases, the solution can be easy, that story is not real! they say, it doesn't actually exist. Most realistically, it is a don't worry, I learned how to untie this one. Let me help you. I am still working on a few of the last bits, where it burrowed deep, see the bruises? Wait, how do we undo this one part? Oh yes, I have scar there, it is shaped like this because I had to pull the thorn from this angle, here now I know I can pull yours out from this angle with out causing any pain, and look yours won't scar! I can wear mine proudly now, to remind others it is possible to be freed.

What stories are binding you? What chains were you supposedly born with? Which stories did you choose to be born into? Of wealth or poverty? Must you overcome the stories of privilege? Of lack? How expensive are the chains that wrap around your heart? What color are they? They are all never ending lines: when it leaves your heart it goes out into the world and enters another body, that is what has brought you together. So when you meet up will you choose to pull at their string because it loosens your knot a little? It won't. They both get tighter. Like the game we play when we all hold hands and have to unwind, will you sit patiently together until you reveal the entanglement to be a clear open circle of everyone holding hands?

More people become part of this giant human knot ever day. In reality, it is not just humans, every being, animal, plant is connected. So when you get a tug what is your reaction? Ignore it? Pull against it? Cut it off? (which will most likely result in frayed ends pulling in multiple attachments now of what used to be just a single connection to your answer.) So stop entangling. Stop pulling harder. Listen to the tugs and respond with patience. If you both find yourself in darkness go to the light, picture yourself outside playing this game in the sunshine. You may find yourself enjoying it. Laughing. Becoming a child with your new circle of friends.

Choose medicine.

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