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Quiet your mind and your soul will speak

Allow these videos to guide you towards more calm, focus, energy and joy

Let's Meditate...

Meditation for Focus

This meditation will help to calm and focus your mind with a simple and easy technique you can practice anywhere!

Introduction to Yogic Breathing

Ujjayi breath - also known as "oceanic breath" - can help to bring a sense of calm and focus to the mind and body while practicing yoga.

Stop. Breathe. Listen.

Meditation to Feel Connected and Empowered

This one is especially useful for when you are feeling stressed out or disconnected! In this video you will first learn a few techniques you can use for grounding yourself. We will work on our physical posture and then practice a visualization exercise to "dump" any unwanted energy. We finish with a guided meditation focusing on the breath. You will leave feeling calm and empowered! 

Exercise for Self Love and Acceptance

After watching this video you will be able to practice an easy way to get back on track if you ever find you are treating yourself as anything less than the amazing god/goddess that you are! Use this as a little reminder to lighten up and be kind to yourself, especially in challenging times.

In one drop of water are found all the secrets of all the oceans - Kahlil Gibran 
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